Anglo “social democracy” ideology: Martial Communitarianism

At the historical moment Sweden has joined NATO, let us pause to reflect upon the global victory of Anglo ideology.

The Anglo Cross-political Virtue: Dutiful Martial Communitarianism

Through 15 years of living in the British Empire’s mining-management colony Canada, I have been studying Anglo ideology. This was necessitated as Anglo ideology uses words I am familiar with (eg. from my Political Sociology expertise) in very different ways. In particular, Anglo ideology permeates Anglo “leftist” thought in specific, identifiable ways that can be associated with the imperial Counterenlightenment. For Anglos, leftism is dutiful martial communitarianism. Thus leftism is not distinguished from conservative dutiful communitarianism. Both are simply considered “solidarity.”

Hence, in periods of global egalitarian movement, “Red Tories” emerged in the British Commonwealth, and correspondingly, in our conservative era, Anglo leftists identify closely with authoritarian, patriarchal isolation and immobilization policy absolutely discounting human development. Anglos regard this identity between left and right communitarianism as evidence of what they hail as a distinctively Anglo virtue, moderation.

Culturalist Causal Explanation in Anglo Leftism: American Individualism

Commonwealth “leftists” oppose leftism to neoliberalism, which they associate most consistently with the US and individualist extremism. Anglo ideology presumes that Americans are the source and embodiment of individualist extremism, individualist extremism distinguishes Americans from British subjects, and individualism causes American political outcomes.

By contrast American accounts of political causation center state opposition to the working class. American labor historian Erik Loomis argues that in the early 20th century, Americans were easy to mobilize around the concept of sacred private property–in order to dismantle union organizing and cross-racial solidarity, that is to decapacitate, divide and isolate the working class. Throughout countries organized by English common law and the legal innovations expanding and prioritizing asset claims, including the US, the political sacralization of private property is reinforced via policy that inter alia socially subsidizes small business and home ownership on a continuum with social subsidies for large business investment and risk.

The surface validity of the Anglo causal attribution concerning “individualism” rests upon an imprecise concept of individualism, such as failure to note that aside from the idealized models promoted by the global economics profession and Anglo-American common-law discourse, in neoliberal policy, elites are not individualistic. Any individualism ideology occludes the fundamental fact that concentrations of private property cohere the supports from which they exclude smallholders. Thus, as Political Sociology has conclusively shown, elites are extremely class solidaristic (particularly British and American elites!) and swaddled in supports, whereas nonelites specifically are policed and managed into disorganized atomism as a mode of governance. Trauma psychologists including Bessel van der Kolk have argued that the U.S. is thronging with traumatized people, and that the cause of traumatization is being trapped in isolation, separation from social support.

Commonwealth Anglos maintain an imprecise and reductive consensus conception of American culture and ideologies: Cross-bred with militarism, and like meritocracy and other forms of elitism, the ongoing, ragingly-conservative slaver culture for example is extremely hierarchical, not individualistic. What distinguishes the US is not some inherent natural culture of individualism that centuries of diverse immigrants somehow morphed into, but rather an extreme framework of top-down authoritarian control: a state carefully structured from its origin to serve at capital’s side against the social, developmental capacities and needs of the working-class population, and in that tradition, elected political leaders at the state and local level (governors, district attorneys, mayors, and city counselors) are ready to deploy military attacks on the American working class, usually using the National Guard (In the South, slavers’ social hierarchies formed private militias to attack the Black working class).

If Americans are to be singled out as culturally individualistic, this atomization must be related first and foremost to the first two principles: sacred private property right, legally elaborated and state-enforced, and the related, repeated American working class incapacity to autonomously cultivate and elect regional and local officials who will refrain from using state militias to attack them. (Standout historical exceptions include socialist Minnesota governor Floyd B. Olsen and environmentalist Pennsylvania governor Gifford Pinchot. Team historical-materialist.)

Perhaps American state violence is the product of the tight capitalist-state governance system cohering elites in a decidedly non-individualistic way and proscribing and disrupting working class organizing and political representation. Perhaps American state violence is produced by small-business subsidy’s construction of an expansive, hierarchical, and exclusive property owner-identified coalition. Perhaps American state violence is an extension of the slavers’ violent militias and mass traumatization. In any case, individualism is a manufactured product of antihuman legal and state suppression, and it does not apply to or constrain the class that monopolizes political power in the US. The Anglo social democratic (martial communitarian) v. individualism conceptual binary is principally instrumental, rivalristic, intra-empire propaganda rather than a clarifying framework. Resting upon a cultural determinist explanation of American COVID politics and policies as “individualism” is not insightful scholarship so much as a shoddy, lazy contribution to ongoing intra-imperial state branding rivalry.

British Social Theory Applies Cultural Mystifications to Explain Pandemic Processes

British Sociologist Sylvia Walby’s article “The COVID Pandemic and Social Theory” (written in the first year of the COVID pandemic, in 2020), published in the European Journal of Social Theory in early 2021, is a model of Anglo left (liberal) ideology. In that article, Walby counterposes a “utilitarian neoliberalism” to what she calls “social democracy,” where she defines social democracy as absolute, universal solidarity with the disabled/vulnerable, exemplified by people highly impacted by SARS-CoV-2. She associates utilitarian neoliberalism with what she depicts as callous herd-immunity.

Despite its left’s own inflated claims, the Anglo tradition does not have social democratic institutions; briefly, in the early 20th century, societies around the world adopted more democratic policies and institutions (such as welfare states, public education, and public health care) as a result of working-class, radical Enlightenment organizing which gained influence in the context of economic crisis and a temporary dip in ruling-elite confidence. The era’s Anglo-American version of these democratic policy adoptions remained confined within the liberal sine-qua-non, sacred private property right, and should be recognized as social liberalism. After a half-century of heavy, concerted, elite-funded and -organized attacks on social citizenship and the welfare state, what is striking is how robust the democratizing period’s innovations have been.

Because the bowdlerized-Rawlsian, communitarian Anglo version of leftism is not in fact social democratic (not historical-materialist), there are a number of empirical validity issues with Walby’s formulation. First, actually-existing social democracies are well recognized for pursuing utilitarian policies, maximizing welfare across the majority of the population. Critics in the Anglo countries frequently point out that maximizing the distribution of welfare can discount or defer the interests of marginal populations, importantly including elites but as well some disabled, racialized, or religious-ethnic minorities. The Antienlightenment justice claim is that elites can patronize the most vulnerable people, protecting them from the democracy, middle class, workers, and women that undermine the welfare of the most vulnerable, as democracy deprioritizes the interests, freedoms, and patronage power of elites. The exemplary Antienlightenment argument is that women’s rights oppress vulnerable foetuses, and so a patriarchal hierarchy is required to suppress the tyrannical nature of the majority, women.

By contrast, the Enlightenment social democratic fix for the marginal injustice accompanying utilitarian majority justice is to eschew as far as possible centering elites, instead adding remediations addressing the interests of marginalized nonelites in pareto-optimal ways that do not undermine the welfare of the majority. Keeping elite interests marginal, the Enlightenment’s utilitarian + additive social democratic approach to governance is heavily criticized and oppositionally misrepresented, particularly in the imperial core and its Commonwealth tributaries.

So for example, the actually-existing social democracies Sweden and Kerala pursued utilitarian pandemic policies, constraining isolation and immobilization policies, because they recognized isolation and immobilization as inimical to human development and so generative of their own, disastrous non-viral health pandemic. This policy was taken within the context of preceding social democratic policy that had built distinctive resourcefulness by supporting human health and scientific literacy across the majority of the population, based upon the philosophical-materialist and historical-materialist insight that humans as a Terrestrial lifeform have a developmental arc and a specific, finite, identifiable range of capacities (visual capacities, sociability, communicative capacities, bipedal capacity to cover great distances, lifespan, bacteria-aided digestion and cognition, etc.) that can also be limitations (non-omniscience, mortality, vulnerability to microplastics and radiation, etc.). The utilitarian social democratic focus on majority welfare has often been a desperately-needed antidote to steeply-hierarchical capitalist inegalitarianism and the idealist mystifications that it requires.

But at times, under some circumstances, utilitarianism has also unnecessarily sacrificed the autonomous development of populations marginal to the majority. Within the social democratic framework this too is injustice (as is inegalitarianism and inequality in societal production and reproduction systems) because maximally distributing human capacity promotes innovation and resource accumulation, and can allow resources to be collected and distributed to ameliorate nonelite marginalization.

Eugenics is a classic example of an unjust application of utilitarianism, including within actually-existing social democracies. At the core of the Atlantic ruling class’ capitalist-expropriative empire, Commonwealth subjects often fail to remember/recognize that in imperial capitalism, non-modernized and de-modernized societies are subjected to violent, crippling colonial expropriation by financial-military core elites; this inherent feature of capitalism creates enormous incentive to deploy collective action capacity to rapidly modernize (or where collective-action capacity is disrupted and suppressed, inexorable corruption). In the early 20th century moment of scientistic social Darwinism converging with countries’ desperation to modernize, this meant that people with disabilities that disrupted the efficiency of the newly-modernizing social infrastructure of the time were coercively sterilized under a utilitarian eugenics policy, in actually-existing social democracies as well as in the liberal and conservative countries of the time. While coerced sterilization does not violate the Enlightenment justice of human development, it does violate individual autonomous agency, and there is a cultural argument that the experience of parenthood is a form of human development for some kinds of people.

Walby is bowdlerizing Rawlsian distributive justice, misappropriating it to a conservatized context bereft of socialist rivals: By “greatest benefit to the least advantaged” Rawls (1971, 1993) recommends that “inevitable” capitalist inequalities—in income, wealth, and powers and positions—should be arranged to make the least advantaged class better off than they would be under any alternative social and economic scheme of cooperation (JF, 59–60, 63). Contra Antienlightenment theory, this is a sociologically-specified philosophical argument that does not preclude majority-centering welfare. Walby’s appropriation of this redistributive justice principle eviscerates its sociological specification. The Antienlightenment “solidarity” proposal Walby forwards (and invalidly calls social democratic) is that the policy that is pursued must center the interests of the margin, the most unfortunate individual, to the extremity of making invisible the interests of the majority, including (as was done throughout the pandemic and beyond) by erasing the multiplicity of human health requirements as non-emergencies. This is accomplished under the steam of emergency discourse, which Walby explicitly reifies in her article. Walby’s liberal Shock Doctrine justification for claiming that one health variable (susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2) required a universal shift to the maximized conditions of prolonged population isolation and immobilization repeated the generalized logic of capitalism, wherein all human welfare is argued to follow from optimizing one, inhuman premier condition, absolute private property right.

Yet, 1) elite interests are marginal to the majority’s interests, and undermine majority agency, innovation, development and welfare; 2) as actually-existing social democracies quickly learned, even centering the nonelite marginal interests may well undermine the majority’s welfare, their developmental health, as where infrastructure is built not to add but to center rolling–putatively for the interest of people without use of their legs (as well as for elites who own automobile factories and oil companies) and disincentivizes walking, which locomotion is essential to the majority of humans’ health over maximized healthy lifespans; 3) Social democracy contributes to wealth accumulation by maximally distributing innovative agency and welfare; this allows for the addition of pareto-optimal protections for non-elite marginal interests upon the core of majority supports; 4) no matter how global, no emergency obviates the rest of the important conditions (including sociability, mobility) pertaining to human health.

Erasing the multiplicity of crucial human health requirements:

Most alarming from a (philosophical and historical) materialist perspective is disability theory’s philosophical abstraction of all humans not as agential, developmental life, but in a universal process of morbidity and mortality. This is a thanatocentric, fungal perspective. This disability theory has been adopted by some of the medical profession’s and pandemic advocates of dutiful solidarity. By contrast, in centering change and agential, innovative, developmental life, democratic Epicureanism (one of the roots of historical materialism, the radical Enlightenment, and actually-existing social democracy) explicitly operated to counter inegalitarian Antienlightenment manipulation of fear of death.

Centering innovative, agential, developmental life, a radical or democratic Enlightenment (a real social-democratic) approach to the pandemic would not have merely substituted physicians and pharmaceutical CEOs for Chamber of Commerce and NAM governance. An Enlightenment approach to the pandemic would have contained and moderated emergency, authoritarian Shock Doctrine interventions by prioritizing human health in its complexity, recognizing the centrality of social reproduction, care work–and thus by convention women’s work–to human health throughout the human lifespan, as well as preserving human health over the long term by prioritizing and protecting the ongoing development of the range of human capacities.

Centering developmental human life (and additively addressing its impaired moments and instances in supporting human development), including recognition of (but not centering) the death limit articulated with the larger sphere of Terrestrian life, would put a humane, democratic boundary on the dehumanizing, imperial positivist-mechanist population-surveillance and -governance imaginary that is used to coordinate, to rule, and to extinguish large societies. In the context of the pandemic emergency, such a democratic materialist shift would have built a more durable alternative to neoliberalism that would have better benefited even medical workers.

Interests behind erasing the multiplicity of human health requirements

As medical system workers and managers have repeatedly emphasized, the COVID pandemic was a very positive experience in that medical workers were elevated beyond capitalism’s business and political party leaders to dictate policy sometimes optimizing and sometimes minimizing harm to hospital functioning, medical worker workloads, and treating patients suffering acutely or dying from SARS-CoV-2. Medical workers remain extremely disappointed that neoliberal governance optimizing business leaders’ interests was restored at medical workers’ expense. They often bitterly report experiencing as betrayal (inducing disappointment, anger, and burnout) the public’s collusion with the demise of pandemic medical-centric governance and the return of a capitalist business leadership (represented by political parties) that presumptively ended “the pandemic” (medical-centric governance) and restored minimal (insufficient, but better than none) neoliberal sociability and mobility along with all the institutions of neoliberal inequality and inegalitarianism (many of which, like policing, are isolation and immobilization models that had been retained, prioritized, and augmented in the pandemic).

It seems that medical workers’ pandemic trauma manifests as a nostalgia for a protracted period in which mortal fear was a communitarian duty, authorizing a partial extension of neoliberal governance privileges to medical practitioners at what medical workers regard as the acceptable price of authoritarian patriarchy–“essential” policing unrelieved by non-medical feminized care workand at the acceptable price of the ensuing cascade of costly health damages incurred in isolation and immobilization, the “antihuman” (as many feminists called it) disregard for human development. To medical workers, all harms to health prove the value of medicine.

This nostalgia stands in the way of a reckoning: Medical authority’s population management framework was incapable of building a governance alternative to capitalist neoliberalism both generating poor working conditions in the field of medicine as well as the death-drive conditions (eg. gain-of-function microbe research, lethal policing and incarceration, and myriad institutions discounting egaliberte human development) generating epidemics and pandemics and broadly deprioritizing the vital development and health of the “population.”

Medical practitioners suffered as mothers, so they are aware that feminized social-reproducers suffered in the pandemic. But like Sylvia Walby, they struggle within liberal theory to understand why. To add ad hoc acknowledgement of a majority’s, mothers’, varied pandemic suffering to a core theoretical commitment to marginal-justice thanaticism is to quixotically pursue a defunct Red Toryism in an era of Antienlightenment and capitalist inequality, an uncompromising era of conservative triumph. That tracks for Canada.

Enlightenment Science v. Antienlightenment Lies

Starting with a brief review of some of the pseudo-scientific authoritarian proclamations committed over the COVID pandemic, and connecting that to exacerbated public scientific illiteracy and mistrust of science, Big Biology interviews Alina Chan, Broad Institute researcher and co-author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19. Dr. Chan reviews the evidence for natural origin v. lab origin of SARS-COV-2. She has been researching the evidence for these origins since 2021.

With the book’s research, we can draw out two key features distinguishing imperial (military)-driven positivist-mechanism as a reduction of fully-specified organicist science: 1) centering imperial military and commercial interests as the social good (justice telos) instead of widespread human development and Terrestrian life; 2) secrecy and disinformation in lieu of scientific communication.

First, gain-of-function virus engineering is an example of military-driven positivist-mechanist research at odds with public welfare. SARS-CoV-2 was so virulent because it has furin-cleavage capacity, spike, which allows the virus to enter almost any cell of almost any animal. SARS viruses had never had this capacity up to 2018. As was publicized in The Intercept from 2021-2023, after suppression, a document was leaked showing that because SARS did not have spike, WIV’s (Wuhan Institute of Virology) New York City partner Eco Health Alliance, led by Peter Daszak, had therefore applied in 2018 for military research (DARPA) funding to add the MERS spike–furin cleavage capacity–to the SARS virus at the WIV lab.

Gain-of-function research is niche engineering to make pathogens more pathogenic. The altruism claim is that engineering extremely-virulent pathogens will allow pharmaceutical companies to outcompete both the empire’s enemies and nature, by designing the ultimate vaccine that will protect people against everything imaginable. However, this claim is unscientific and spurious, since both viruses and life are agents that evolve–and many pathogens can evolve rapidly. It is not possible to “solve” an “ultimate” pathogen. That’s not a real scientific project. “Gain-of-function” doesn’t just sound Orwellian. The altruistic claim should be read as military funding proposal speak gone wild, and dissimulating public comms.

It is far more reasonable to suppose that, however they may be deluding themselves, gain-of-function researchers are clients of militaries propelling a bioweapons arms race. Nearly a century later, imperial Postwar military elite-driven positivist-mechanism appears to continue to be wedded to business elite interests, as gain-of-function research is supposed to be complemented with a publicly-funded, for-profit pharmaceutical “solution,” a vaccine market.

The leaked funding proposal to develop SARS-CoV-2 at WIV in 2018 was denied on safety grounds. As Chan and Big Biology’s Marty Martin and Art Woods clarified, these virology labs have many sources of funding, and one rejected funding proposal is not evidence that the research was not conducted at WIV in 2018-2019. The document is evidence that prior to the pandemic outbreak, plans were underway to engineer SARS-CoV-2 at WIV.

Chan identifies three interested collectives within a coalition that has insisted, since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, that the virus’ origins are natural and not connected to gain-of-function research: 1) virologists working with WIV, focused on their reputations; 2) gain-of-function virus engineers, focused on protecting military gain-of-function virus engineering and bioweapons from public regulation, oversight, and enforcement; 3) liberal political parties focused on managing an electoral population in opposition to conservative parties, where both liberal and conservative parties serve military and commercial elites.

[Add: Bourdieusian field graphic.]

Second, we can distinguish the positivist-mechanist reduction of science in its replacement of the community of scientists, and the centrality of communication within that community, with imperial-capitalist secrecy. While WIV had publicized its pathogen data up to the end of 2019, that data has been hidden ever since. Its experimental findings were however subject to delay release. And the communication between the New York virology lab partner and WIV have been hidden. That’s not science. That’s not even Mexico.

Liberal party adherents have embraced their political branding as dutiful and cooperative communitarians; they have argued that they are meritorious and aligned with science, where medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies stand in for science. Yet such dutiful cooperation with this positivist-mechanist reduction of science corrodes rather than contributes to science and the universal, democratic social good.

The Counterenlightenment justice telos served by imperial postivist-mechanist knowledge is a utopia in which scientific communication is suppressed; scientific communication with the public is mediated by political party comms strategy and public scientific literacy is suppressed in favor of political party messaging around collective duty and the “universal social good” of pharmaceutical industry growth; and patriarchal, military surveillance, carceralism (isolation and immobilization), and guarding substitute for public scientific communication and literacy. The population is managed by political parties (and their comms/media outlets) to support sustained, engorged, and normalized patriarchal military and carceral capacity as social problem solving, as well as pharmaceutical industry growth. To this imperial end, the pandemic was successfully managed.

However, as scientists Chan, Martin & Woods observe, the imperial Counterenlightenment utopia involves costs:

  1. Suppression of scientific communication, proliferation of secrecy and lying, scientism to disguise dangerous, inhumane, dehumanizing, and toxifying ideology, interests, and activity as though they were dedicated to the universal public welfare.
  2. The antagonistic bifurcation of the politically-managed population into, on one hand, a scientifically-illiterate liberal constituency governed by the idealistic communitarianism of sacrificial duty to patriarchal policing and carceralism, and vaccines as a new-materialist technology of communitarian universalism, and on the other hand, a scientifically-illiterate conservative (libertarian/feudal) constituency determined to be the system’s police rather than its prisoners. Dismantling democratic organizing capacity, this politically-engineered population bifurcation governance strategy also has spillover consequences that exacerbate costly social problems and crises.
  3. Public distrust of science, and scientific illiteracy.
  4. The COVID pandemic demonstrated that pharmaceutical companies’ vaccines are not an optimal, universal solution to bioweapons, epidemics, and pandemics. a) The distribution of vaccines is constrained by effective demand, contributing to high morbidity and mortality world wide, particularly across class and populations harmed epigenetically by the wear and tear of subordinate class and imperial position. b) Vaccines as the solution accompanying bioweapons, epidemics, and pandemics require not only scientistic manipulation of human populations, but also pathological and pathogenic carceral isolation and immobilization population management excessively targeting womenandchildren.
  5. The insufficiency of unregulated, military gain-of-function engineering and pharmaceutical development in solving the problem of epidemics and pandemics, particularly as militarized engineering, militarized and politicized population isolation and immobilization, and pharmaceutical growth replace and proscribe scientific communication (including within the scientific community, as well as with the public) and scientific literacy.

The Swedish Health Minister Nils Anders Tegnell understood this problem and strove to center scientific literacy in Sweden. Tegnell recognized problems as problems, and did not participate in population Toxification politics (such as are deployed to prepare genocides). He was therefore subsequently viciously blacklisted by US-dependent global health organizations and sidelined by Sweden’s neoliberal SAP party. He should be celebrated as a hero of Enlightenment science.

Tegnell’s heroic leadership suggests democratic socialist ways in which we can organize to expand democratic capacities, including fully-specified, communicative science (rather than positivist-mechanist reduction and scientism), and put boundaries on the tendency in inegalitarian societies for leaders, officials, and even scientists to lie in order to protect inhumane interests.

Antienlightenment lies on the rise

  1. Eschewing the sociological Enlightenment understanding of institutionalized racial discrimination, EDI is an Antienlightenment Human Resources patronage reduction of antiracism that seeks to stigmatize, isolate, punish, and exclude majority-population nonelites, typically workers, as the cause of racism. EDI boss Claudine Gay went to the EDI well, and deploying EDI discursive strategy in response to authoritarian, imperial-capitalist demands that she punish students supporting Palestinians’ rights to life, Gay perpetuated the lies that Harvard is antisemitic and that objecting to the genocide of Palestinians is genocide against Jews. As designed, this Antienlightenment EDI discursive strategy was not compatible with and could not reinforce the university’s commitment to science and academic freedom. EDI discursive strategy did produce a perverse outcome, convening three enemies to subject Gay to Congressional interrogation and remove Gay from the Harvard presidency: Antienlightenment Republicans; Antienlightenment Zionists; and EDI victims working within the university. More crises of Antienlightenment communitarianism: Are we experiencing the return of the Red Hunt, but a more desultory Scare at this stage?
  2. Also in LRB 46(2), Conor Gearty analyzes the function of the stream of hasbara lies Israel issues as it destroys the Palestinian people: “Describing the Palestinians as vermin to be removed or killed (Toxification for genocide) is hardly the language of denial, but many Israelis combine celebration with a denial that what’s happening is their fault. Denial in Israel is a means of keeping supporters abroad on message. We in the Global North need lies so that we can continue to see our support for Israeli action as morally possible.”
  3. Canada’s private telecomms system is one of the most expensive and poorly-functioning systems in the world. The CBC interviewed a Globe and Mail reporter who had analyzed it, and asked her what could be done to improve Canadian telecomms. The Globe and Mail reporter answered that she believes the government should stop regulating and taxing the monopolistic telecomms companies, as the companies simply pass this tax on to consumers, nevermind the fact that when governments do not tax the result is that the goods/service is not provided to the working class or the corporation increases its profit rate–a private tax on the consumer. The CBC reporter pressed her colleague: But it is also the case that Canadian telecomms companies have some of the highest profit rates in the world. Oh, yeah, that, replied the Globe and Mail reporter. Well that’s because they promised their stockholders giant dividends.
    Here we see that an investigative reporter goes to lengths to cover up the source of high telecomms costs and low performance: Corporations are serving as siphons of private wealth, redistributing it to their upper management and owners, as well as Boomer pension funds. The truth is that we are living in a long era of decline, in which the class compromise is determined by Boom-generation clientelism, leaving the technologies and infrastructure as well as subsequent generations neglected and depleted, to the immediate benefit of Boomers, but ultimately, to the exclusive benefit of the multi-millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires’ families.
  4. The two horrors of our time are a) second-stage feudalism, or as it’s more commonly called, capitalism does not allow for democratic decision making capacity, so we cannot plan for the quickly descending climate crises; while b) capitalism incentivizes a high birth rate, leaving the Earth with 8 billion humans and growing. So we’re just facing down tragedies and horrors which we are not permitted to avert or manage. This is enabled by the master Antienlightenment lie that inequality is the social good and that simply by cooperating dutifully, or policing and incarcerating people, we contribute to that social good, rather than devastation.

A Brain in the Wrong Vat

Humans live a long time, and over that time, though they are still very plastic and in formation, our brains are structured by our experience as causal agents in the world. Including dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine, neuromodulator signals gate the synaptic plasticity of memory building in response to our expectations v. experience. Hippocampal and cortical circuits are adapted for learning associations and for abstracting relationships including causal relations.

These relations come to be embodied in the configuration of neural circuits, comprising a web of knowledge, a model of the world including the self as a causal agent. This knowledge underpins adaptive behavior, directs our active, egocentric perception and grounds meaning, our interpretation of incoming information (Mitchell 2023: 130-132).

In the unequal, disrupted world that human hierarchies have built in modern times, people are commonly displaced from where their knowledge was formed, where their brains were built. In a social species such as humans, as one finds oneself isolated amongst a people with whom one shares little embodied knowledge and perception, few interpretations, displacement can cause suffering via the excessive, neuromodulated lack of congruence between expectation and experience.

Displacement and alienation is a common condition in settler countries, for example, and can result in anxiety or depression as the brain repeatedly floods with refutations of one’s causal agency model and with alarm signalling, and is deprived of positive signals building upon one’s causal agency model. I think this may happen as well through the experience of female aging, and of course in moving between hierarchical communities in a racialized class society (Du Bois 1920).

Mindfulness involves a degree of tactical dissociation to produce awareness of what one’s brain is doing, in order to care for the thinking body. Sociological mindfulness involves recognizing that people’s knowledge, perception, and interpretations are entwined with their history of causal agency, in order to recognize why the socially-displaced and -isolated brain needs extra care.

The displaced individual’s task (and they should have access to social supports) is to identify what exposures are congruent with one’s embodied causal model in order to to find and secure an adequate supply of those exposures and provide serotonin signalling and healthy, continued brain formation (not just tearing down), in this way protectively moderating one’s exposure to a continually alarming social environment, a culture that refuses one’s causal agency.

Seratonin and other positive signalling exposures must be selected in relation to long-term care for the thinking body, as some forms of immediate relief are rather compatible with the annihilation of the foreign self that a culture automatically prescribes, and thus increasingly fail to help address the characteristic suffering associated with social displacement.

So for example, when militaries tear down new recruits, they also offer positive signalling exposures (sexist camaraderie, for example) intended to bridge and reinforce previous brain and self formation, as they incompletely reinforce new long term care for the thinking body, constrained of course by the goal of subjugating the organism’s (the recruit’s) causal agency to the institution’s agency, literally transferring human life to the military institution as an artificial life.

The Decent Canadian: Matt Strauss

Today I found out about a Canadian who prioritizes scientific literacy! Dr. Matt Strauss is a hero, an embattled hero in a country of pious Counterenlightenment.

In attempting two (2) thoughtful, measured public-health interventions, in 2022, upon the hoary scientistic depredations of the state-pharma industry-medical professionals’ population control coalition, Matt Strauss, MD, has apparently been subjected to the full brunt of Canadian political assault.

Here are the 100% responsible, scientific, considered public interventions Dr. Strauss waited until 2022 to make:

The limits of masking:

The limits of vaccine mandates:

The cross-Ontario medical professional, joint Liberal-Conservative political, and media assault on Dr. Strauss’ employment, humanism, and sense of democratic Enlightenment responsibility is horrifying, galling.

Corey Robin on coalitional liberal-conservative “American-style” Fear:

“It is an affair of collusion involving the grunt work of collaborators, the cooperation of victims, and aid from those bystanders who do nothing to protest fear’s repressive hold…these coalitions of fear work through the very contrivances that are supposed to check fear: the fragmented state and a pluralistic civil society, which provides the wielders of fear coercive instruments often not available to government officials.” The mechanisms of McCarthyism are still in place, particularly in the contemporary Anglo-American workplace, “for it is there, in the coercive relationship between employer and employee, that we see today the most visible and pervasive evidence of fear” (Robin 2004: 163).

“Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness…You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?” –Joseph N. Welch, 1954, to Joseph McCarthy, unprepossessing Red Hunt frontman

For three years, physicians, in coalition with long-embattled caretaking nurses and long-term care aides, were permitted full expression–and unquestioning implementation–of their political interests in exchange for exposing themselves to COVID-19 contagion in the course of their medical work. The politics of physicians have always been in the main autocratic, self-serving, inhumane, and contra the public good. Not scientific. They were dragged kicking and screaming to Medicare. That autocratic, inhumane tendency has exploded under pandemic policy formulated by military strategists and promoted by conservatized liberal party comms professionals. It is well past time for exceptional, scientific democratic-Enlightenment exponents like Dr. Strauss to begin to assert limits on the unhealthy antihumanism of pandemic lockdown governance.

The Chinese government maintained a zero-tolerance policy toward COVID for an inhumane length of time because they have too many people at their disposal and do not value human development; that government has broader coalitional influence than we often recognize, but fetishizing one health variable, COVID-19 infection, at the cost of many others–including healthy development–is a symptom of destructive inegalitarianism. It may be altruistic, but the main beneficiaries of the altruism are autocrats. It’s not a democratic population governance model.

The Reproduction of Inequality: Mechanism + Altruism

There are two important moments in the reduction of Enlightenment science to positivist-mechanism:

  1. The founding of the Royal Society in Britain. (See Margaret Jacobs)
  2. The rivalrous alliance between the US military and the US Anglo ruling class that emerged from WWII. See Michael J. Hogan (A Cross of Iron) and Mark Solovey (Shaky Foundations, MIT Press; Social Science for What, podcast part 2).

Characteristics of imperial Anglo-American positivist-mechanism include:

  1. Jettisoning of autonomous scientific community; military and business assume direction over scientific agenda. This dependency relationship is transformed into a patriarchal moral virtue.
  2. Rigorous focus on simplified mechanisms in isolation qua science tout court.
  3. Austro-Hungarian Empire inegalitarian governance expertise is relocated to AngloAmerican empire. In the US, this Antienlightenment infusion gives new wings to slavers.
  4. TBD

These reductions violate scientific epistemology in the following ways (TBD):

  1. Per Varoufakis 2011, there is no path forward from paradigm limits. Discipline is toggled between hard and soft premises, depending on whether evidence of limits is prominent.
  2. Compare Econ with Biology, which did transcend anti-epigenetics paradigm through pursuing that paradigm to its limits. Is the difference the degree of top-down disciplinary control? As well, there is still moral policing around a positivist-mechanist version of epigenetics, confining epigenetic knowledge to Mother-blame.
  3. Revisit Kuhn in light of Varoufakis 2011. Was he studying a specific form of scientific revolution, based in discipline & context?
  4. No knowledge goal internal to discipline (tasks and paradigm set by military and business) means Enlightenment science’s rigorous comparativism (with context, presuming scientific knowledge development across positionalities) is dropped in favor of closed equations as knowledge (See Varoufakis 2011).
  5. TBD

TBD: Interwar to Cold War history of American engineering: social composition, politics, academic politics.

Per Solovey, engineers including Vannevar Bush and Hungarian fascist/H-bomber Edward Teller worked postwar to exclude the social sciences from state funding (both the NSF and the military). The concern was that traditionally, the social sciences had formed to pursue egaliberte knowledge; under the military-finance alliance, the US was positioning to attack and reverse democratic socialism. Sneaking into NSF funding with Alpert’s quiet assistance, the social sciences worked around the engineers’ exclusionary organization, by excluding traditional Enlightenment research into comparative equality and inequality.

  1. Economics organized like engineering as a top-down fraternal hierarchy (cite). Their collective goal, per Clara Elisabetta Mattei, 2015, was to produce an inegalitarian positivist-mechanism, proving their worth to the US’s 20th century capitalist-imperial consolidation.
  2. Elite universities established an elite Sociology, modeled after Austrian empire philosopher Simmel’s intellectual agenda, and aiding the state in urban population surveillance.
  3. Area Studies, Security Studies, Anthropology: foreign population surveillance.
  4. Psychology: assisted military with foreign population control and domestic population control, military employee optimization.
  5. History: Novick 1988
  6. Creative Writing:
  7. Biology: Erik Peterson 2017, The Life Organic; Lucy Cooke 2022, Bitch.

Excluding Enlightenment science produced Counterenlightenment social sciences: Where the aim was not to help engineer inequality, the complementary goal was to manage the distribution of affliction across the working class–to “comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable” (as Ed Yong recently described his post-lockdown communication goal at The Atlantic). As women have entered the social sciences (and been excluded from Engineering and Economics), affliction management has been seen as patriarchal feminine moral virtue (See Elsie Parsons Clews’ and Virginia Woolf’s sociological critiques of this division of patriarchal labor).

Together, patriarchal engineering and feminine population management institutionalized inequality and reproduced inegalitarian dispositions. A key tool and virtue in inegalitarian engineering is isolating and immobilizing the population.

Case study one: Militarism (Hogan, Schrader); Carceralism (Gilmore, Davis, et al), including drugging of the incarcerated (Anthony Hatch, UMinnesota 2023).

Intergenerational Housing Conflict: Another Result of Inegalitarian Incapacitation Security

In 1998 Sociologist Nina Eliasoph ended up at the important question Conor Dougherty wends to today in “Twilight of the NIMBY,” New York Times 2022: Why do smallholders organize myopically (“Close to Home” Eliasoph characterized it.), even when they know their personal troubles–their lack of capacitating security, in Ruth Wilson Gilmore‘s insightful conceptulization–are continuously generated by enveloping institutions and incentives organized and maintained for the primary benefit of powerful interests, for financial and military leaders?

The question languishes because elitist reflexes have long provided a too-easy, ready-made answer: Smallholders are small thinkers–unfit to govern.

Abolitionists, however, have the valid answer: Unmoderated, militarized American labor repression (see Alex Gourevitch 2015 ) leaves American smallholder communities balkanized and politically ineffectual, reeling backwards, ever Old and In the Way, reproducing inequality and smallholder decapacitation when they need to organize to make an egaliberte difference.

In short, there’s too much damn policing and there’s not enough labor rights. American institutions spend all day and all night dismantling nonelite organizing, communication, and collective action capacity, all our lives long. That’s why, inter alia, aging immigrant waves are reduced to channeling their constrained political capacities into competitively shafting newcomers, both American youth and new immigrant waves. In the American governance model, US smallholders labor away in variously pleasant and unpleasant corners of a large prison yard, frequently pausing to shiv each other; and that’s also why the world’s expropriators and exploiters plow their money into the US. In the Anglo imperial tradition, it’s a refined military-commercial system, administered by a political class, for securing global elite class stability and vast, endless, profitable smallholder dehumanization, disruption and destabilization.

The comms professionals leading the Dem Party to exchange patronage with the military and the ultra rich have long made the choice to leave rural Americans, with their outsized vote, to conservatives.


Eliasoph, N. 1998. Avoiding Politics. Cambridge.

Gourevitch, A. 2015. Police Work: The Centrality of Labor Repression in American Political History.


Seccession is no longer even a nutty atavistic concept, given increasing recognition that the US South, along with the military, remain institutional bases for disseminating anti-public and incapacitation-security dispositions.

If You Cannot Get the State to Enforce Your Contracts, You and Life are Screwed

Workers can make a contract to protect themselves from harm, exploitation and expropriation, actions disproportionately stunting their human development. The capitalist state will not enforce such contracts, at least not today. All that will happen is your manager will get pissed at you, seek revenge. So said a labor lawyer to me.

The only options available to workers today is collusion with capital against fellow workers and life, or suffer and die among the working-class pulped.


According to Foucauldians, Common Law simply and only permits individuals and groups to find concentric ways of reifying state power. The state is the engine of “creative destruction.”

But why will the state enforce big capital contracts, per Pistor?

In Foucauldian logic, I suppose because big capital co-constitutes state power.

But you know I’m not really an anarcho-postmodernist or structural Marxist. The big capital-state relationship is particularly emphatic under an inequality regime. In the social citizenship postwar interim, the working-class semi-autonomously co-constituted state power. I would rather say that shy of working-class revolutionary pressure, the nature and results of this co-constitutive class-state relationship are overdetermined.


1. When I worked as the education-file secretary for a governing provincial liberal party, I was given the rough assignment of hounding the state’s constitutional lawyers–state employees!– to write the legislation that the party had run and won on in the last election. It had nothing to do with capital aggrandisement. It was instituting Community Schools. Good god, the state constitutional lawyer was FURIOUS, spittle was flying from his bitterly curled lips. He wouldn’t do it. It was an abuse of legislation in his view, nevermind here was a state that was going to enforce this legislation. So I went back to my dad, who was admittedly mostly a prosecuting attorney for a small, regional state, but also practiced real estate and contract law after the prosecuting years. My dad drafted up a sample piece of Community Schools legislation for me, based on the criteria I needed to institute. I brought it to the provincial constitutional lawyer to use as a template or foil. He went APOPLEPTIC. He HATED the governing political party I worked for! He hated me! HATED. We had to bring in a neoliberal guru in the liberal party to soothe the constitutional lawyer and get him to write the legislation. I had to just sit there quietly in the board room like a little girl, receiving my humiliation in exchange for this guy doing his job.

This experience tells me that it’s not all about state enforcement. Whether we can get law–contracts and legislation–for anyone other than capital–there’s an element there of lawyers’ education, socialization, and politics. You have lawyers who believe it’s not worth their time to create legislation and contracts if some big fat capitalist will eventually come along and undo it. They want to create glorious PRESTIGE legislation and contracts, legislation and contracts of aethetically-pleasing fealty to the pure Common Law tradition of expropriation, which will survive until another, larger capitalist runs their patron over.

2. My dad now writes contracts for the communally-run public golf course in its relationship with the municipality. The golf course is a glistening emerald commons lodged like a shard in the foetid black heart of capitalist America. He does this because otherwise, he says, the City lawyers write the contract and it screws the public conditions of the golf course so that they can then privatize the public land on the cheap to one of their back-room good old boys for kickback. These state (municipal) lawyers again are playing an ideological role that can be buffered and reduced if we find a lawyer who values the public good and the commons.

Here I would like to suggest the frailty of this exceptional situation. My dad does this because a) He comes from a Swedish-American working-class background and so not only thinks the commons and the public are real, but that they are good and necessary for the good life. That condition is rare in the English-speaking world. b) He really likes golf. c) He really has a lot of contempt for the dealership-owning putzes at the local, rival private country club, and their eye-rollingly inexplicable capacity for snobbery, given what they are. A lot of unusual motivation there, which indicates why it is so rare to find pro-public, pro-commons lawyers in the English-speaking world who are willing to put in the work for other public and commons goods. The Common Law tradition, Pistor recounts, is lawyers charging fees (though, oddly, not a percentage) to expropriator capitalists for making state-enforceable expropriation claims for them. That’s it in a nutshell.

As Mariana Mazzucato has suggested, we have a problem in that our universities have been training anti-public (and of course anti-working class) professionals. Expanding inequality and inegalitarianism doesn’t help undo the collusion incentive for Smithers to serve up Springfield’s working-class fellows to Mr. Burns.

3. From a Political Sociology perspective, we can observe particular kinds of agents innovating to expand this inegalitarian human-stunting mining operation: Colluding workers, which besides state lawyers can eventfully include EDI managers and conservative judges.

In Canada, Judge Beverly McLachlin authored a ruling in 2005 that reintroduced the proliferation of an ersatz-objective test of criminality resting on the assumption that the state (or in analogue, the employer) is perfect and complete (Jochelson and Kramar 2014). In Labaye logic, we know who is a criminal when a judge decides (decisionism, festooned or not with uncommital gestures to empirical “objectivity”) that the actions or attitudes of an individual pose a potential risk of harm to the presumably complete and perfect social order. The deviant is criminalized or charged with misconduct for precaution. In the process, lawyers and judges are avoiding social science and asserting themselves as ventriloquists for the institutional or social order. Moreover, in assuming the problem is to suppress individuals from posing a potential risk to a static social order, jurisprudence denies the culpability of social and institutional conditioning and prohibits Enlightenment Sociology, much to the Tories’ satisfaction.

Legal scholar Richard Jochelson (2019) documents how this freshly-branded conservative legal maintenance in obscenity and indecency law became a model for other conservative legal and policy reforms throughout Canada. While overturning previous legal modalities of intervening in sexuality, the “Labaye test” (where criminality is determined by a judge or lawyer imagining how much an individual’s attitude or action risks unsettling the social or institutional order) has Common Law roots and branches, is part of the conservative Common Law tradition.

Anglo indecency, obscenity, and incivility law and policy reduce people (again, commonly women) to risks to the social order or institutions, conceived as complete and perfect. Labaye law and policy conforms to: post-9/11 American law, which similarly reconceptualized people as terror risks to be tortured in secret prisons; and English-language pandemic policy and law, which similarly reconceptualizes people (in practice: women and children, not male police and police-like workers, truckers, or golfers) as “population,” germ-transmission risks to be locked out and locked down. Terror and Labaye-type law and policy restore the witch hunt, classic (often sexist) instrument and institution of commons disruption, expropriation and population subjugation (See Federici 1998).

A related note on Anglo Counterenlightenment

The witch hunt is an excellent example of how Antienlightenment justice does not really protect the margins, though that’s its brand. This is because the witch hunt, while engaging managers, lawyers, and clergy, is all about elite discretion. The Antienlightenment logic is that elites have the power, so we should all reinforce that. Leaving justice to discretionary elite patronage fancies reinforces elite interests and resultant crises, which is the last thing we need in the extreme power, freedom, credit, cooperation, and collective action-capacity maldistribution of the inequality society.

When I was studying for my PhD I took a course from the great Betty Dobratz. The theme of the Political Soc class was: Can you spot the problem with cross-paradigm synthesis? It was a beautiful exercise in logic. The key text was Alford & Friedland, Powers of Theory (1985), which presented competing theories and asked if you couldn’t just nibble from them like a smorgasbord. If you were Marxist-inclined, what you noticed actually happened is that the structure of Marxist thought was disappeared and crushed by this approach. All that was left was incoherence. Paradigms have their own, specific foundations, assumptions, and are oriented to specific justice teloi. The have distinct structure and logic. That’s why they’re paradigms. Mash- up does not work. The liberals had a harder time seeing this because Alford & Friedland, being liberals, did not trample away their premises and justice telos.

This, I think, is why Anglos love their Counterenlightenment mashup. As we see from a non-nominalist reading of Jacob’s history of the British “Enlightenment,” the British Enlightenment via Robert Boyle and the Royal Society is really a Counterenlightenment, reactively co-opting commercially-digestible reductions of the Enlightenment (mechanistic science, narrow toleration of pro-Anglo Empire religiosity) while jettisoning whole egalitarian premises and justice in favor of the inegalitarian Antienlightenment paradigm. Anglo Counterenlightenment adherents take pride in this. Is it not taking the best of both traditions, and ousting the worst? With Anglo Counterenlightenment, they claim, we can protect the exceptional elite and their heart-wrenching marginal beneficiaries, while also begrudgingly permitting some small room (SUVs and televisions, nationalist culture and horizontal morality policing, for example) for the middling sort, the Muggles, to adjust. Except you cannot. All that happens with the Counterenlightenment mashup is you studiously avoid examining the logical structure and product of your ideas and practices in situ, and then become shocked, shocked! by the catastrophic (for nonelites, planetary life) results of reverting to, maintaining, and exacerbating inequality and inegalitarianism, Antienlightenment.

It leaves unsympathetic onlookers feeling like liberals are either intellectually or psychologically flawed. Whichever, let’s say they are high functioning, and so dangerous.


Federici, S. 1998. Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation.

Glasbeek, H. Class Privilege: How Law Shelters Shareholders and Coddles Capitalism. Toronto: Between the Lines.

Hay, D & P Craven. 2004. Masters, Servants, and Magistrates in Britain & the Empire, 1562-1955. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Jacob, M. 1981. The Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons and Republicans. Cornerstone.

Jacob, M. 2019. The Secular Enlightenment. Princeton University Press.

Jochelson, R and K Kramar. 2014. “Governing Obscenity and Indecency in Canada.” Pp. 294-314 in Locating the Law: Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality Connections, edited by E Comack. Winnipeg: Fernwood.

Jochelson, R and J Gacek. 2019. “Reconstitutions of Harm: Novel Applications of the Labaye Test.” Alberta Law Review 56(4): 991-1037.

Mayer, A. 1981. The Persistence of the Old Regime: Europe to the Great War. New York: Verso.

Pistor, K. 2019. The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Orren, K. 1991. Belated Feudalism: Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the United States. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Robin, C. 2012. “Affirmative Action Baby.” June 28.

Tigar, ME. 2000. Law & the Rise of Capitalism. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Wood, EM. 2012. Liberty & Property: A Social History of Western Political Thought from Renaissance to Enlightenment. London: Verso.

Isolation Depletes Human Health

“Loneliness is a global crisis. According to Britain’s Campaign to End Loneliness, 45 percent of adults feel “occasionally, sometimes or often lonely in England.” In a 2019 poll, 22 percent of millennials reported that they had “no friends.” The World Health Organization has found that loneliness affected 20-34 percent of older people in places ranging from Europe to India to Latin America. Former US surgeon general Vivek Murthy called the problem an “epidemic” in 2017, even before the COVID-19 pandemic and its attendant lockdowns, which have made the whole thing even worse.

The problem of loneliness isn’t solely an emotional one. A nearly eighty-year longitudinal study at Harvard University has found that family, friendship, and community are the most decisive factors when it comes to human health and happiness.

“Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too,” said Dr Robert Waldinger, the study’s director and a psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School.

In a 2015 study, psychologist Julianne Holt-Lunstad found that loneliness is a risk factor for high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and depression. An oft-repeated fact from the study holds that loneliness is as bad for you as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day.”

–Collette Shade, 2021, “Capitalism is Making You Lonely,” Jacobin 8/23.

Zylberman’s Biosecurity Strategy Studies

Patrick Zylberman’s influential 2013 biosecurity guide lays out a pandemic history & the pandemic planning programme we experience. Zylberman worked within central French, UToronto, and Princeton networks.

Legal advancements in liberal history toward indefinite mass detention: 1) UK Public Health Act (f. 1875) amended in 1984: No need to prove infection, no limit to detention duration. 2) Post 9/11 US, governors can call State of Emergency, making resistance a felony. Legal doctrine established post 9-11: The protection of public health overrules any privacy and individual rights. Doctrine popularized with Anglo-American Civic Duty campaign, focused first on immunization, then mass detention. (Zylberman 2013: 401-3; 425).

1999 US conference of first-line medical teams recommends administrative powers increased to impose quarantine, isolation, intervention of military, media censorship. 2001 US Fed law introduces these recommendations, plus police & National Guard intervention (Zylberman 2013: 402). 2002 US Public Health Security & Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response Act extends police powers over asymptomatic persons. Not common in Europe, but instituted in France. (Zylberman 2013: 405).

To resist a drift into scientific nuance, which highlights probability rather than sustaining emergency, the Civic Duty campaign converts Good Citizens into militants for the Good Cause. The patriotic atmosphere discourages frontal opposition (Zylberman 2013: 445).

Countries impose an overdrawn civic sense in which the emphasis is on duties and obligations of citizens, and on the requirement to give proof of altruism, whether quarantines, vaccinations, or mobilizing health sector reserves (Patrick Zylberman 2013: 32).

Quarantines are political. In 1822 France, being against quarantine meant resisting the Bourbon restoration. But as discovered by UT psychologists and the DHS Red Dawn biosecurity strategists, SARS showed that voluntary detention was more acceptable than expected ( Zylberman 2013: 424-5).

Despite the mounting psychological harms, the majority (50-68%) of Torontonians & French did not try to evade detention. The major source of these people’s readiness to obey was trust in health professionals (Zylberman 2013: 427-8).

MJF analysis:

While Biosecurity strategy ramped up policing and detention capacity and acceptability, it relies for legitimacy on public trust in public health authorities. The US did not have public health authorities, though there was effort to construct Fauci as this health authority.

Fauci, an old DC force praised by Bush the Younger, organized a NIAID Emerging Viruses conference in DC in 1989, establishing the concept of biosecurity threat, as not based in bacteria or viruses, but in humanity as a microbial population vector. This renaturalizes humanity; but also, as it is translated through biosecurity policing, it pathologizes humanity. Similar to epigenetics reconciling culture and nature, but also restoring Mother-Blame. The humanity of non-elites is reconceptualized and dehumanized as population. Genocide scholars observe that when people are dehumanized and especially when they are toxified, they are governed by infinitely-negative judgment.

“By viewing ‘problems as problems’, rather than ‘people as problems’, individuals are able to talk with each other in a respectful manner, and talk with themselves in ways that support their responsibility and their accountability.”

(Macready, T. 2009. “Learning social responsibility in schools: A restorative practice.” Educational Psychology in Practice 25: 217. Cited in Durrant & Stewart-Tufescu 2017: 374)


Zylberman, P. 2013. Tempetes microbiennes. Essai sur la politique de securite sanitaire dans le monde transatlantique. Paris : Gallimard.

Zlyberman, P. 2016. ‘L’avenir, « cible mouvant. » Les Etats-Unis, le reque NRBC et la methode des scenarios.’ In Serge Morand and Muriel Figuie, eds. Emergence des maladies infectueuses. Risques et enjeux de societe. Versailles: Eds. Quae